Here are some links to some of popular essays stored on our site:
The important of newspaper
The importance of newspaper
Newspaper can promote the welfare of the people; therefore, newspaper is very important in a community. It offer a lot of good things for the society. Newspaper can have influence upon the government of a country, can advise the government to do many things for the benefit of citizens.
Fire is a good servant
However whenever fire is out of control, it will spoil and kill many lives and cause damage of property so quickly. The world has lost billions of dollars because of fire out of control. Everybody must be cautious of fire. Be careful otherwise they will lose many things even their lives.
Các bài luận mẫu tiếng anh
Importance of examinations in education
If no examinations are taken in life, less scholars would have been to others. Examinations motivate and encourage students to read as mush as possible; then people of the society absorb and develop the knowledge of humanity.
Cook college dormitory
Why i want to learn english
English is very important nowadays for a very large number of books are written in this language. Furthermore, we can contact with a variety of people from many parts of the earth.
Whom do you like
This essay talks about a description of many friends and then refer to whom is the friend you like. In the essays, the writer describe your hobby and your friends' hobby.
Những bài luận tiếng anh - các bài luận english
Những bài luận tiếng anh - các bài luận english
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